Sunday, January 31, 2010


Somebody realized how funny men are when they are lying and campaigned it.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Opera marketing

Last night was an important day for the Estonian National Opera. Finally they have got the point how real entertainment marketing is made. Although Estonian National Opera has its keen fans and loyal customers, their big dream has been that opera would spread to masses and it would be more popular.

Last night the Estonian National Opera and Estonian Television merged their forces and broadcasted a premiere of a light comedian opera emotionally fed into every Estonian: “The Love for Three Oranges on two different channels. ETV showed the live performance on stage and ETV2 did live broadcast 1 h before, during and after the show. Estonian National Opera got their fame for musical theatre and Estonian Television had the chance to promote their ETV 2 channel, which has not reached masses yet, using it to broadcast the most interesting behind the scenes part.

The best part is that it did not come out stiff and boring, as to be expected. It was lively, interesting, full of good emotions and whats most important: showed the side of the opera singers usually kept in vain: a very humorous and humane side. Im not a big opera fan myself, but this was just a pure pleasure. And those who are afraid that showing a premiere on TV would reduce the ticket sale are totally wrong. Singers are made into the starts, everybody wants to see for themselves and the atmosphere described made even me wanna go and buy opera tickets for an upcoming season. It was a brilliantly conducted image campaign.

Brilliant, just brilliant.

Thursday, January 28, 2010


French guys have completed a short film that consists only of logos. The plot itself seems meaningless, but the execution is very funny and well done. Apparently they have won many prizes. Congrats. See their website.

Authors seem unwilling to share the full 17 min. short movie and already there is buzz that as soon as somebody downloads it to Vimeo or YouTube, it will be removed claiming to be under author protection. Well, I had the lucky chance to see it before removal and can say that all that buzz is not really worth it.

But everybody wants to see the movie everybody is talking about, but only a few have had the chance to see, so I hope that soon we get a nice case study how to generate buzz in order to promote a movie. I’ve made my small contribution here.

Heres a short trailer:

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Areas of expertise overlapping. Heavily.

When I came to advertising it was all black and white to me. Advertising agency does advertisements and marketing strategies, PR takes care of publicity and hard-core lobbying, media broker books the media and Social Media guys keep up the buzz. Today if I were a client I would be very confused, as the lines overlap heavily and in the era of economical slowdown companies have broadened their area of expertise not horizontally but vertically, taking over professions from other area-related sectors. And it’s perfectly wise to have a media-oriented person in classical ad agency to develop well-directed communication strategies or a web-designer in PR company to offer full service online campaign for clients who have decided to use only PR channels for public awareness. But it raises many questions. E.g. who should do the Social Media monitoring? Is it SM provider itself, PR, media or research company? Whom to choose finally to get the best value for money solutions that work: the price leader, the most prestigious one, the most enthusiastic one, the one who promises ROI etc.?

I think the answer relies in every company’s core needs and marketing strategies. But well known fact is that companies do not create effective complex strategies, people behind them do. So trust your inner guts and choose the right people behind your company/brand. Do not only judge by the reputed company name or the wide area of expertise. Choose the best professionals from every field and do not opt for all in one solutions, although it might seem more comfortable. The trick is to put them all working for you in the best way possible, so no one has a chance to get lazy.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Someone got Mini for Christmas !

Looks like someone got Mini for Christmas and threw the box away.

Ambient campaign by Mini, who placed large boxes on the streets, so garbage men could pick them up.

As an AM, I really want to know the city government who allowed to trash up the city centre. I do not admire the idea as it’s nothing new (look here), I fancy the people behind it.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Happy New Year!

Im late? Just a little bit?

As social media communication in marketing has taken over in a rush, then saying this at 00.30 would have done the trick, but now i'm desperately late. Now when you say something has higher importance than what you say. Timing, timing, timing.

PR people have been aiming the timing of their press releases in order to predict when is the right time to hit news on the prime time. Now in the era of instant communication everybody has the possibility to share news at the core moment of their happening. There is so much power in one sentence. This has created a new possibility for the marketers to create marketing communication relevant to the moment. Sharp, determined and fast. Happy New Year.